
Mickey Micsocial logos-02_20221116_162846400social logos-03_20221116_162846389

As a multi-media designer, Mickey Mic’s early interest in toys had developed into a passion. He participated in a number of events including Hong Kong Art Toy Story 2022, Artidol Original Figure Design Competition, Comics x Figures Hong Kong Ani-com Figure Show, and B.O.A.T-Both of the Art & Toys Fair.


In 2019, he established his own brand, MicBraining, and started to create his first own figure. At the same time he continued his creative works on illustration, toy makeover, and collaborative creations. The science fiction theme reminds him of fluorescent and luminous colors. He often uses metallic and fluorescent colors on his works, so that the works can interpret two contrasting feelings under the sunlight and ultraviolet light.


He has collaborated with a number of local and overseas artists to launch limited-edition figure re-paintings. Through continuous participation in different collaborations, it inspires his creativity and broadens his horizons.


His works were exhibited in Wood Morning Paris 2022, GRAPE BRAIN CXV & POPUP SHOW in Hong Kong 2022, NudeToySolon 2022, Quiccs Solo Show 2021, Summer Soul 2021, illusfair  2021, Painternet Solo Show 2021, Plastic Four 2020, Armor Fans Show 2020, etc.
